Friday, June 13, 2008

The Dragon's Table 13 June 2008


Saturday, the 7th of June was The Dragon's Table 7th Anniversary party. Thanks for the 7 years, and I appreciate the good

luck wishes for the next year!

The Worldwide D&D Game was a big hit. We ended up running all five sessions on saturday, which is a first for us, usally

we only get enough people to run 1 or 2 scenarios. Everyone had fun with it, tho a few decided they didn't like the rules.

Still have DMG's and MM's for D&D 4.0 in stock, more PHB's will be in tomorrow. So far I've sold about 22 each DMG/MM

and 40 PHB's since Friday! This is selling much better than 3.0/3.5 ever did!

A week after this Saturday, on the 21st, doing another 40K Apocalypse game, once again pushing all the tables together

for a monster game!

Special Orders:

PIP WM CG Major Katherine Laddermore (a.trumpinski)

New Items:

GMG DCC The heroes arise! $20.00
MGP RQ Dara Happa Stirs $34.95
WOC D&D 4.0 Monster Manual $34.95ea
WOC D&D 4.0 Dungeon Masster Guide $34.95ea
WOC D&D 4.0 Player's Handbook $34.95ea
WOC Bronze Dragon Codex HC $9.95
S2P SW Sundered Skies $34.99
WWP EXALTED 2nd ED Dreams of the First Age $59.99
PZO GM Flip Mat Cathredral $12.99
PZO GM PF Curse of the Crimson Throne Item Cards $9.99 *3
WWP CTL Lords of Summer $27.99
WWP Exalted 2.0 The Underworld $24.99

RGG Ming Dynasty $39.95
APL Islands of Death:Malta 1942 $29.99

RPR DH Alyscia of the Abyss & Minions $8.99
PIP WM KH Yuri the Axe $14.99 *2
GAW WHF/40K Bloodletters of Khorne $22.00 *2
GAW WHF/40K Daemonettes of Slaanesh $22.00 *2
GAW Daemons of Chaos Army Book $22.00 *3
GAW Codex Chaos Daemons $22.00 *5
PIP WM CG Major Katherine Laddermore $29.99
FOW FOW GE SS Grenadier Company $65.00
FOW FOW GE SS Pioneer Platoon $20.00
GAW Large Restock

WAS Wargames Illustrated Mag #248 $9.00 *3
DSP PS238 v5 TB Extraterrestrial Credit $15.99 *3

BLP Warhammer Ancients Siege and Conquest $38.00
FOW Cobra - Breakout from Normandy $25.00 *3

Card Games:
RGG To Court the King $29.95
PZO Falling- Goblin Edition $9.99


14 Jun 08 MTG Type II Tournament @1pm
15 Jun 08 Warmachine Tournament @1pm
21 Jun 08 40K Apocalypse Battle @2pm (we'll have the Tables set up!)
28 Jun 08 Terrain Building! $5.00 fee, take home what you build!


Monday WarhammerLeague @6pm
Tuesday Mechwarrior Clix @6pm
Wednesday WarMachine League @6:30pm
Thursday D&D Mini's/Star Wars Minis, Heroclix @6pm
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Saturday Open Board Game Night
Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm



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