Wednesday, January 7, 2009

7 Jan 09 What's Happenin'


Piece of advice to would be renters of properties: don't sign nuthin unless it's ready to move into AT THAT MOMENT!

With the renovation being done at the new store site, the city is feeling its responsibilities very keenly. Everytime the paperwork is brought

into the permit office (dunno what to call it) something else needs to be done. It would be fine if they handed you a list and said "do this and

if its not on the list we dont care", but when they do it one item at a time, you have to call shennanigans. I've come to the realization that my

present and future landlord IS NOT the city's fave landowner.

So its possible we will be moving into temporary quarters in a couple of weeks, or into the nearly finished new space. Dunno. Sigh, at least

in the temp location, it'll be rent free.....and costing the landlord any rent until this is dealt with. I can live with that, and the temp spaces are

smaller, so that'll be fun.

Instead of the beat up wood floor, the landlord wants to preserve it and so is thinking about putting another floor over it and covering that. I

said carpet would not be good, tile is better. We'll see how that goes. Also, instead of brick and plaster, it looks like the 3 walls are going to

be framed, insulated and drywalled. Which will be much better for insulation and overall look of the place. Since that's that what landlord

wants, he's paying for it. Yep, got my vote.

Building is completely cleaned out, took nearly 4 of the big 20ft dumpsters to do that. I really underestimated the time it would take.

Learning, sigh, never stops.

Lots of volunteers to move to the new site. Thanks all! As soon as I know, we'll start setting it up.

Xmas sales were great, end of the year sales were great, inventory was not fun as usuall, so i guess if its the same that would make it

great? After 7 years we're getting the inventory down pretty smooth. Next year i may not dread it so much.

Got a Warhammer 40k Tournament this saturday, at 1pm. 1500pts.

Started a new 40K league this tuesday. The last one we handed out $85 in prizes.

Hopefully the new store will be ready for the next magic pre-release. We're working on that now.

Special Orders:
PIP WM KH Mechanik Assistants (2) (w.penning)
PIP WM KH Iron Fang Pikeman Unit Box (6) (w.penning)
PIP WM Man-O-War Unit Box Set (3) (w.penning)
RGG Elfenland (n.dettman)

New Stuff:

Historical Board Games:
CPS Spanish Eagles $65.00
GMT Unhappy King Charles! $65.00

Card Games:
FFG COC LCG core Set $39.95 *2

Board Games:
FFG Moto GrandCross $69.95

FFG Wings of War Airplane Series III $12.95ea(6)
FFG Wings of War Airplane Series III $15.95ea(6)
PIP WM CG Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Kaptin $7.99 *2
PIP WM KD Kovnik Markov Cavalry Character $27.99 *2
GAW 40K Ork Nobz $25.00 *3
GAW 40K Ork Battlewagon $50.00
GAW 40K Ork Kaptin Badrukk $20.00 *4
GAW 40K Ork Boss Snikrot $15.00 *4

GRR MM Freedom's Most Wanted $26.95
PAG COC Mysteries of Mesoamerica $29.95

OMM Miniature Wargames Mag #309 $9.00 *2
OMM Wargames Illustrated Mag #255 $10.00 *3
OMM Wargames Soldiers & Strategy #36 $10.00 *2


10 Jan 09 40k Tournament @1pm, 1500pts.
11 Jan 09 Monsterpocalypse Tournament @1pm


Monday WarhammerLeague @6pm
Tuesday Mechwarrior Clix @6pm
Wednesday WarMachine League @6:30pm
Thursday Heroclix @6pm, D&D Mini's/Star Wars Minis.
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Saturday Open Board Game Night
Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Sunday Open Gaming

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