Thursday, October 18, 2007



Oct 20 HaloCLix Tournament @1pm
Oct 27 40K Tournament @1pm
Oct 28 WHF Tournament @1pm
Nov 3 World Wide D&D Game Day Starts @1pm


Monday D&D Mini's/Star Wars Minis @6pm
Tuesday Mechwarrior Clix @6pm
Wednesday Warlord CCG@ 6pm, WarMachine League @6:30pm
Thursday Heroclix @6pm
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Saturday Open Board Game Night
Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm

This week!


Need a new keyboard, this one has been dropped too many times so

now the spacebar sticks, such fun.

I managed to live thru my vacation the week before last, despite slicing

off a bit of a finger. It's fine, barely noticable and all that. And I still hate


Mighty Empires has finally made it to the store, and I'm looking for 3-4

people for a WHFantasy campaign with it, and I think its usuable for

Flames of War as well. WH40K not too sure; I guess we could try it and


Warhammer 40K apocalypse is now in stock, and the huge and

monstrous firing templates, and the lovely dainty Baneblade. heh.

I have a D&D GM looking for 2 more adults for a 2nd ED campaign. Call

me and I'll pass the pnone number to you. Got something going on

this weekend he does.

I have the Fall League kit in for Warmachine. We'll be starting it next


November 3rd is the world wide D&D Day. Again, we'll have the D&D

adventure to run in the store, starting at 1pm, plus some giveaways

for the participants. Also, any D&D or D20 is 10% off that day.

Special Orders:

FOW British M5 halftrack *4 (k.kelly)
LOO Aquarius Card Game (j.olsen)
OEP Dragons of Kir (p.wall)
DOW BL Hundred Years War (d.geiken)
TXL General Quarters 3ed Ed Deluxe (h.gabb)
WAR Wargames Illustrated Mag #239 (t.reed)
WAR Wargames Illustrated Mag #239 (w.lebegue)

New Stuff:

DIA T/S WOW Murlocos Tacos Blk MED, LG, XL $17.99ea
DIA T/S WOW Murlocos Tacos Blk XXL $18.99
DIA T/S WOW Murlocos Tacos Blk XXXL $19.99

FOW BR Cromwell Platoon $45.00
FOW BR Bofors 40mm SP $9.00 *2
FOW BR Loyd Carrier $9.00 *2
FOW BR Decals (late) $9.00 *2
FOW GE Panzer IVH Platoon sold
FOW GE 10.5cm artillery battery $50.00
FOW GE King Tiger $18.00
FOW GE Grille K sold
FOW GE Mobelwagen $9.00 *2
FOW GE Sd Kfz 250/1 (late) $9.00 *3
FOW GE 3.7cm FlaK43 $17.00 *2
FOW GE 28cm sWG41 Rocket Launchers $9.00 *2
FOW GE Decals (mid-late) $9.00 *2
FOW US M4A1 (76mm) Platoon $45.00 *2
FOW US M4A3 (105mm) Sherman $9.00 *3
FOW US Boat Section $14.00 *2
FOW US Decals (late) $9.00 *2
GAW 40K IG Baneblade $95.00 *2
PIP WM CX Slaver/Mind Slave Unit Box $29.99 *2
PIP WM CX Drudge Mind Slave allies (2) $9.99 *2
RPR DH Pirate Sophie 2007 $7.99
RPR DH New figs
TLC ZOMBIES!!! Bag o' Glowing Babes $9.99

FOW Villers-Bocage scenarios $25.00
GAW 40k Apocalypse Gaming Bundle (backpack) $95.00
GAW 40K Apocalypse Rules Book $50.00 *2

GAW 40K Apocalypse Templates $22.00 *2
GAW 40K Urban Road $25.00
GAW 40k Big Gun Dice Tin $12.00 *6

GAW 40K Vortex Grenade Template $12.00 *3
SBL Armytransport Mk II (no foam) $34.95 *2

CHA COC Secrets of Los Angeles $24.95
GMG Dungeon Crawl Classic #49 $21.99 *2
GMG Dungeon Crawl Classic #50 $14.99 *2
WWP WOD Reliquery $24.99
WWP CTL Autumn Nightmares $26.99

KEN KODT Mag #131 $4.99 *5
RKH Cry Havoc #15 $13.95
WAR Wargames Illustrated Mag #239 $8.00

LOO Zombie Fluxx sold
SOF Refraze 70s pop Songs Game $17.99
SOF Refraze 80s Country Songs Game $17.99
RGG Space Beans $14.95 *2
SJG Bavarian Fire Drill $17.95 *2
RGG Horse Fair $11.95

RGG Carcassonne Travel Edition $29.95
RGG Khronos $54.95 *2
SAB Talisman $50.00 *8
TAL Spelling Beez $25.00
TAL Green Alligators: Rings and Things $10.00
TAL Made For Trade $25.00
TAL Trailblazer $30.00
TAL Math Animals $22.00
ZMG 1960 Making of a President $49.99 *2
FFG WOW Exp Burning Crusade $49.95



Friday, September 7, 2007

New Stuff and Events


Here I am again, and not making any promises, will try to stick around and do this every week.

The Summer League for War Machine started wednesday, and I also ordered the summer kit yesterday as well. We're running the
League From Wednesday to Tuesday, plenty of time to schedule games. I have the phone numbers and emails of the participating

players available.

Pat Green has entered the University of Kansas for his Masters program. Let's wish him success on that. Pat's been a fixture at The

Dragon's Table nearly since the open back in June 2001. It is not going to be the same without him.

So now we're looking for Tournament organizers for WizKids games, preferably a person for each game.
With Ages End, the Lord of the Rings CCG from Decipher has ended, having I think 19 expansions.

There's been a sudden surge of interest and playing in the Rage CCG, the first version, not the nasty second. They are looking for

players and one of them has me looking for a Vladimir Foil from the Wyrm expansion.

The Dragon's Table is signed up for the 2007 Worldwide D&D Game Day on Nov 3rd. at 1pm we'll start running the adventures;

looking for two more GM for this.

The CITW will be meeting on Saturday 8th Sept at The Dragon's Table, opening the doors at 8am.

Special Orders

WAR Wargames Illustrated #238 (w.lebeague)
WAR Wargames Illustrated #238 (t.reed)

New Items:

AEG L5R RPG Emerald Empire $39.95
PZO GM Map Pack Temples $12.99
PZO GM Item Cards Elements of Power Deck $9.95 *3
PZO GM CHaracter Pack Extra Magnets $7.95
CAT BT Techmanual $39.99

DOW Battle Lore Hundred Years War Pack $30.00 *2
DOW Battle Lore Goblin Marauders Pack $16.00 *2
ZMG Duel in the Dark (WWII Bombing) $49.99
FFG Tannhauser $59.95
MFG China Rails $20.00

KEN KODT Mag #130 $4.99 *5
GAW White Dwarf Mag #332 $6.00 *12
WAR Miniature Wargames Mag #292 $9.00 *2
SRY Scrye Mag #113 $5.99 *2
GMT C3i Issue #19 $20.00
KEN KODT Bundle of Trouble v21 $11.95
WAR Wargames Illustrated #238 $8.00
WIP Inquest Mag #150 $1.99 *2

OSP CAM Operation Barbarossa 1941 (3) $18.95
OSP MAA Napoleons Polish Lancers Imp Gd $15.95
PIP WarMachine Remix (SoftCover) $24.99 *2
PIP Hordes Evolution (SoftCover) $34.99 *3
PIP Hordes Evolution (Hardcover) $44.99

PIP H TB Evolution Tokens $11.99
PIP H CO Evolution Tokens $11.99
PIP H LE Evolution Tokens $11.99
PIP H SK Evolution Tokens $11.99

Card Games:
PLE Killer Bunnies Blanks Set 1 $6.00 *6
PLE Killer Bunnies Blanks Set 2 $6.00 *6
GMT Ivanhoe $25.00
GMT Formula Motor Racing $20..00
PLE Killer Bunnies Ominous Onyx Booster Box $22.00 *3
PLE Limits $10.00
SJG Munchkin Cthulhu 2 $9.95 *3

QWS Dice Elvish White/Brown (7) $19.95
QWS Dice Elvish Black/Red (7) $19.95
QWS Dice Elvish Black/Yellow (7) $19.95
QWS Dice Elvish Transparent/Black (7) $19.95
QWS Dice Elvish Transparent/Blue (7) $19.95
QWS Dice Elvish Transparent/Red (7) $19.95
QWS Dice Elvish Gray/Black (7) $19.95

UDC WoW CCG Fires of Outland $4.29ea

PIP H CO Tharn Wolf Riders Unit Box $51.99 *2
PIP H CO Tharn Wolf Riders (1) $16.99 *2
RPR New Reaper Minis
WIZ DC Heroclix Justice League $9.99ea


Sept 8 CITW meeting Doors Open at 8am Historical Gaming till 6pm!
Sept 15 W40K Tournament 1500 pts, @1pm
Sept 16 WHF Tournament 1000 pts @1pm
Sept 18: Fire and Fury. The Cornfield and Sunken Road at Antietam in 10mm. Phil get to use those 10's he painted

up five or six years ago. @6pm
WoW Tournament starts at 6pm
Oct 11 Midnight MTG Sale for Lorwyn starts at 12:01 am Friday morning
Oct 12 MTG Lorwyn Release Booster Draft @1pm and 6PM or whenever you get at least 6 people togther. $10



Monday D&D Mini's/Star Wars Minis @6pm
Tuesday Mechwarrior Clix @6pm
Wednesday Warlord CCG@ 6pm, WarMachine League @6:30pm
Thursday Heroclix @6pm
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournements @6pm
Saturday Open Board Game Night
Sanctioned Magic Tournements @6pm



Saturday, April 28, 2007


Is a wargames convention in the war zone in Iraq. Local gamers are buying game materials to send over to the soldiers for the con and othertimes. The Dragon's Table has donated a pile of product to this and many people have come in and bought stuff to send over. Anything bought for the troops is 10% off; now and later.

Tom Trumpinski is the main contact for this and he can be reached at 217-714-3634. The plan is to get everything gathered up so it can be shipped May 1st.


Friday, April 27, 2007

Upcoming Events


4/28/2007 WH40K Tournement 1500 points @1pm
4/29/2007 WHF Tournement 2000 points @1pm
5/1/2007 MW Mobilization Call: Defend your planet! (#674407) - w Constructed @6:30pm
5/3/2007 HeroClix Constructed Event I (#674403) - w Constructed @6pm
5/4/2007 MTG Future Sight Goes On Sale at 12:01am Friday Morning
5/4/2007 MTG CCG Booster Draft Sanctioned Event @12.15am
5/5/2007 MTG CCG Booster Draft Sanctioned Event @6pm
5/7/2007 WOW CCG Tournement, Constructed Format @6pm
5/8/2007 MW Hunter's Challenge: Defend your Leaders! (#674408) - w Constructed @6:30pm
5/10/2007 HeroClix Constructed Event II (#674404) - w Constructed @6pm
5/11/2007 MTG CCG Booster Draft Sanctioned Event @6pm
5/12/2007 MTG CCG Booster Draft Sanctioned Event @6pm
5/15/2007 MW Final Push: Win or Die! (#674409) - w Constructed @6:30pm
5/17/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted Event (#674405) - w Unrestricted @6pm
5/18/2007 MTG CCG Booster Draft Sanctioned Event @6pm
5/22/2007 MW Unrestricted Event (#674414) - w Unrestricted @6:30pm
5/24/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted Event II (#674406) - w Unrestricted @6pm


Monday D&D Mini's @6pm
Tuesday Mechwarrior Clix @6pm
Wednesday Warlord CCG@ 6pm, WarMachine League @6:30pm
Thursday Heroclix @6pm
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournements @6pm

Arrivals this week 27 April


Finally getting some stuff together, mostly me.

The Star Wars Collectible and Constructable Card game should be here in a couple of weeks.

I have The Spoils and The Spoils pt2 booster packs in stock. The Shadowrun Core Book finally made it back into print.

We've started the Warmachine League Spring Session on Wednesday. If you can't make it on wednesday, we have telephone

numbers for the League Members so you can arrange a meet on another day.

The new set for Magic CCG will be available for sale Friday, May 4th at 12:01am, or if you want, late thursday nite after midnite. We

have sanctioned Booster drafts scheduled for the Midnight Sale as well as on Friday evening.

Dont Forget that FREE COMIC BOOK Day is the 5th of May and GMART Comics will having free comics, food and other things going

on. For more information give them a call at 217-356-7733.

7th of May we're going to try a World of Warcraft CCG Tournement at 6pm.

Special Orders:

WAR Miniature Wargames Mag #285 (w.lebegue)
WAR Miniature Wargames Mag #286 (w.lebegue)

New Stuff:

GAW 40K SM DA Master of the Ravenwing $35.00
GAW 40K Eldar Harlequins $30.00 *2
GAW 40K Eldar Harlequin Troupemaster $10.00 *2
GAW 40K Eldar Harlequin Shadowseer $10.00 *2
GAW 40K Eldar Harlequin Death Jester $10.00 *2
GAW 40K Eldar Harlequin with Harlequin Kiss $12.00 *2
GAW 40K Eldar Harlequin with Fusion Blasters $12.00 *2
GAW WHF BR Pegasus Knight $15.00
FOW FOW BR Churchill VII $11.00 *3
FOW FOW BR M10 3" SP $9.00 *3
FOW FOW GE Flakpanzer 38(t) $9.00 *2
FOW FOW US M5 3"gun Towed TD Plt (2) $17.00 *2
FOW FOW BR Airborne Gaming Set, Dice & Tokens $20.00
FOW FOW US Airborne Gaming Set, Dice & Tokens $20.00
FOW FOW US LCVP Landing Craft w/Crew (3) $45.00 *2
PIP WM CX Black Orgun Boarding Party Box Set $35.99
PIP WM CX Black Orgun Boarding Pirate $11.99
WIZ DH HeroClix Hellboy BPRD Action Pack $24.99 *2

GAW White Dwarf Mag #328 $6.00 *9
KEN KODT Mag #125 $4.99 *4
SRY Scrye Mag #109 $5.99 *2
WAR Miniature Wargames Mag #286 $9.00

CHA COC Secrets of Kenya $29.95
FPR BT Handbook House Davion $34.95
GMG Dungeon Crawl Classics #43 $10.99
GMG Dungeon Crawl Classics #44 $12.99 *2
GMG XCrawl Coney Island Crawl (d20) $19.99

TEN The Spoils CCG 1st Ed Boosters $3.99ea
TEN The Spoils CCG 1st Ed Part 2 Boosters $3.99ea


DOW Mystery of the Abbey $50.00
DOW Memoir '44 $50.00
FPR Shadowrun RPG 4th ED Core Rules $30.00 *2

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Event Calendar


4/1/2007 MTG April Fool's Day Tournament. @1pm 5$ entry fee, cash prizes. 60 card deck minimum, no ante cards, any thing else legal in whatever quantity.
4/1/2007 40K Tournament 1500pts @1pm
4/3/2007 MW Storyline Event I (#669850) - w Constructed @6:30pm
4/4/2007 DCI Sanction Magic Tournement , Booster Draft @6pm
4/5/2007 HeroClix Constructed Event (#669846) - w Constructed @6pm
4/10/2007 MW Storyline Event II (#669851) - w Constructed @6:30pm
4/12/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted Event I (#669847) - w Unrestricted @6pm
4/17/2007 MW Faction War (#669852) - w Constructed @6:30pm
4/19/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted Event II (#669848) - w Unrestricted @6pm
4/21/2007 500 pts Heroscape Tournament
4/21/2007 Warlord CCG Plane of Secrets Pre-Release! Entry fee determined by

4/24/2007 MW Unrestricted Event (#669853) - w Unrestricted @6:30pm
4/26/2007 HeroClix Sealed Event (#669849) - w Sealed @6pm
4/28/2007 WH40K Tournement 1500 points @1pm
4/29/2007 WHF Tournement 2000 points @1pm
5/1/2007 MW Mobilization Call: Defend your planet! (#674407) - w Constructed

5/3/2007 HeroClix Constructed Event I (#674403) - w Constructed @6pm
5/8/2007 MW Hunter's Challenge: Defend your Leaders! (#674408) - w Constructed

5/10/2007 HeroClix Constructed Event II (#674404) - w Constructed @6pm
5/15/2007 MW Final Push: Win or Die! (#674409) - w Constructed @6:30pm
5/17/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted Event (#674405) - w Unrestricted @6pm
5/22/2007 MW Unrestricted Event (#674414) - w Unrestricted @6:30pm
5/24/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted Event II (#674406) - w Unrestricted @6pm


Monday D&D Mini's @6pm
Tuesday Mechwarrior Clix @6pm
Wednesday Warlord CCG@ 6pm, WarMachine League @6:30pm
Thursday Heroclix @6pm
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournements @6pm



New Stuff this Week


A tiny of trickle of new stuff, lots of restocking tho.

Finally! Munchkin Cthulhu should be in the store on April 4th!

The price for the Flames of War UBX08 Landing craft has been set at $45 I put two on order, let me know if i need more.

The WarMachine League got off to a good start on wednesday, and some more people are coming in tonight. The next two weeks are 500pt force weeks.

New Items:

MFG Pillars of the Earth $49.00
MFG Alchemist $35.00

PIP WM ME Durgen Madhammer $11.99 *2
PIP WM ME Groundback Blaster Lt Warjack $15.99 *2

WOC Dragon Mag #354 $7.99 *4



Monday, March 26, 2007

WarMachine League Starting this Wednesday 28th Mar


Got the materials and Rules for the League in today. Planning on starting out with 500 points for forces; Teams are 1-3 players, and factions can be declared.

Come on in and lets get this thing on the road.


Arrivals and News


New stuff in this week. Still waiting on the constructable Star Wars game, supposed to be soon tho.

Just got notice that the Magic Tournament is now sanctioned; seems like 4 business days instead of the 1-2 that they said it takes.

FedEx delivered a huge stack of DCI membership cards today, I was a little worried about that,

Confrontation is special order at the store here, so its 15% off the MRSP. There's too much of it to carry and no room to put it. I do have a copy of the rules here for sale tho.

The WarMachine League kit has arrive and we're planning on starting it this wednesday the 28th of March at 6pm. It will be week 6. Weather Report: Cold Snap!

For the FOW, and Warhammer campaigns I'm now drawing the maps. Well, actually trying to figure out the cartography program......

I recieved Games Quarterly Magazines in today. This one has fishing tiles for Catan.

Special Orders:

PIP WM MER Kell Bailoch (j.dyke)
WWP Exalted Black/White Sorcery (c.thorsen)

New Items:

TYV Do You Worship Cthuhlu ? Game $19.99
GWI In a Pickle $14.99
GWI Quarx $9.99
ZMG Dragon Parade $24.99

GMG Dungeon Crawl Classics #39 $24.99 *2
GMG Dungeon Crawl Classics #40 $12.99 *2
PZO Map Packs City $12.95
WOC D&D Magic Item Compendium HC $34.95 *3
WOC D&D FR Cormyr HC $29.95 *2
WWP MTA Intruders: Encounters w/t Abyss $31.99
WWP Promethean Saturnine Nights $26.99

Books:OSP Scandinavian Baltic Crusades 1100-1500ad $15.95
OSP Spanish-American War/Philipine Insurection $15.95

SRY Scrye Mag #108 $5.99 *2
GAW White Dwarf Mag #327 $6.00 *9

GAW 40K SM DA Command Squad $35.00
GAW 40K SM DA Bike Squad $35.00
GAW 40K SM DA Grand Master $17.00 *2
GAW 40K SM DA Company Master $12.00 *2



Monday, March 19, 2007

Sanctioned Magic Events!

After more hoop-jumping than I can count or even fathom, I've finally got my Level 1 Tournament Organizer set up. So my first tournament is Friday, Mar 30, at 6pm. Unfortuantely,as far as I can see, its going to take a few months of running events before I can start getting actual prize support from WOC. It figures, like most game companies that "support" tournaments, they're constantly changing the programs to save themselves money and effort.

I'm still waiting for a reply to my email asking what's going on with this. It'll probably come back like the sealed empty 8th edition theme deck that I got: "if you didnt get it directly from us, it's not our problem."


Friday, February 2, 2007

This Week's Report! 2 Feb 07


Sorry for no update last week or this week. The major thing in this week is the new Magic:TG release Planar Chaos. Last week there really wasnt anything new, and this week the new maguc set inhaled most of my weekly budget.

Next week is Winter War. Come by and check it out.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

This Week's Report! 18 Jan 07


The battle with the POS and Inventory programs finally ended yesterday at around 6pm. The ComCash Tech Support finally figured out what need to be done, and maneged to explain it to me so that I understood it.......

And that's why all this is so late.

Yes, I have Burning Crusade (the new World of Warcraft expansion) and yes it is installed, but i havent played it or any other WoW in over 13days. Sigh, too busy in the store.

Another reminder! Winter War is the weekend of the 9th of Feb!

Special Orders:

AEG Warlord CCG Temple of Lore Booster Display (s.mcguire)
RKH Thallion Riders (3) (n.boltuc)
FFG Cave Troll 2nd Ed (j.wolf)
ZMG Gheos (j.ross)

New Items:

AEG L5R RPG Creatures of Rokugan $34.95
IMP Dungeon Crawl Classics #38 $11.95 *2
WOC D&D Complete Scoundrel $29.95 *3

DSP Dork Tower #35 $3.49 *3
DSP PS238 #19 $2.99 *3
GAW White Dwarf #325 $6.00 *9

Board Games:
FFG Twilight Imerium Exp Shattered Empire $49.95
FFG Cave Troll 2nd Ed $29.95 *2

WMP Puzzle of Myth and Magic $14.95
WMP Puzzle White Tigers in the Mist $14.95
WMP Puzzle Friends of the Forest $14.95
WMP Puzzle Sunlit Sea $14.95

GAW WHF EM Army Book (new) $20.00

GAW WHF EM General $22.00
GAW WHF EM Battalion $90.00
GAW WHF EM Detachment $45.00 *3
GAW WHF EM Warrior Priest $8.00 *2
GAW WHF EM Ludwig Schwartzhelm $25.00

WOO MAT Spring Grass 50" x 100" $24.98
WOO MAT Green Grass 50" x 100" $24.98
WOO MAT Forest Grass 50" x 100" $24.98
WOO MAT Summer Grass 50" x 100" $24.98


13 Jan 2007 Warlord CCG Tourney @2pm

1/23/2007 MW Unrestricted event (#648715) -w Unrestricted 6:30:00 PM
1/25/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted Event II(#648710) - w Unrestricted 6:00:00 PM
1/27/2007 WHF Tournament 2000pts @1pm
1/28/2007 40K Tournament 1500 pts @1pm
2/1/2007 HeroClix Invitational Qualifier(#656871) - w Draft 6:00:00 PM
2/1/2007 MTG CCG Planar Chaos Midnight Sale at 12.01am Friday Morning
2/2/2007 MTG CCG Planar Chaos Booster Drafts all weekend $10.00 3packs
2/3/2007 Settlers of Catan Tournament @6pm Basic Set, please bring.
2/8/2007 HeroClix Constructed Event(#656873) - w Constructed 6:00:00 PM
2/8/2007 The Dragon Table Closes at 8pm to Pack for Winter War
9th to 11th FEB The Dragon's Table is Closed Since We're at Winter War
2/6/2007 MW Storyline event I (#656875) - w/Constructed 6:30:00 PM
2/13/2007 MW Draft Event (#656877) - w/Draft 6:30:00 PM
2/15/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted event(#656874) - w Unrestricted 6:00:00 PM
2/17/2007 Mad Munckin Monarch Tournament @1pm $5 Sign Up Fee
2/20/2007 MW Storyline event II (#656876) -w Constructed 6:30:00 PM
2/22/2007 HC DC Origin New Guy Night (#656872)- w Casual Play 6:00:00 PM
2/24/2007 WHF Tournament 2000pts @1pm
2/25/2007 40K Tournament 1500 pts @1pm
2/27/2007 MW Unrestricted Event (#656878) -w Unrestricted 6:30:00 PM
4/1/2007 MTG April's Fool Tournament $5.00 fee Cash for top three places @1pm
until we done. No Banned, No Limit, No Ante

Weekly Scheduled Items:

1st and 3rd Tuesdays, Historical Miniature Games @6pm
3rd Saturday Flames of War @6pm

Mondays @6pm D&D Miniatures, Open Gaming
Tuesdays @6:30pm MWDA Campaigns
Wednesdays @6pm LOTR CCG, Warlord CCG, CoH CCG
Thursdays @6pm Heroclix, Warmachine, Star Wars Miniatures
Fridays @6pm MTG CCG $10.00 Booster Drafts @6pm
Saturday MTG CCG $10.00 Booster Drafts @1pm
Open Boardgaming
MTG CCG $10.00 Booster Drafts @6pm



Saturday, January 13, 2007

New Date For Settlers of Catan Tournament

Due to several requests, I have moved the date of the Catan Tournament to 2 Feb 2007 at 1pm.
We will remain open as long as it takes to finish it.


Friday, January 12, 2007

Late Arrivals

Yesterday the D&D CMG Blue Dragon arrived.

TSR D&D CMG Gargantuan Blue Dragon $39.99 *3

If you ordered GW bitz, that order came in today, and I will be calling people soon.

MTG Planar Chaos is being released here at 12:01am Feb 2! We'll be open till 2am, way past my sleepy-time.

If you want a box of Planar Chaos of your very own, remember prepaid orders get 30% off! That makes it $100 plus tax for a box! I can take paid pre-orders until Jan 30th. After that, pick up boxes are $115 plus tax.

And so far, the poll for The Dragon's Table going online is 8 against, 0 for.



Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Items for the Week 10th Jan 2007


First of al1, thanks for a great year! Well, actually 6 1/2 years!

My POS system crashed yesterday, but was able to get it reloaded and updated as well. No information was lost this time. But while talking with the vendor for the system, they mentioned that they now have a program for online sales that would interact seamlessly with my POS and Inventory systems.

This would mean the entire inventory of The Dragon's Table acessible online and could be bought online as well. It would take a while to get pictures of everything on the site tho :)

It's expensive, fortunately the money isnt the problem. I'm trying to decide if its worth the money, time and effort to do so. Do I really need to take The Dragon's Table online? With the online discounting of others, I don't see how it would be any advantage to me or the store.

Any opinions?

Im going to be setting the date for the Mad Munchkin Monarch Tournament again soon. I have to pick up the trophy and plaque from last year.

Winter War is coming: 9th-11th Feb. Don't forget. Ill remind you as you come into the store till then.

Please visit The Dragon's Table Blog at I'm intending to cease the weekly email soon after winter war. Tired of MSN calling me a spammer.

We are still doing the 30% prepay on Not Yet Released items, as well as the 10% off if it isnt in stock.



Special Orders:

WWP WOD Core Rules (e.jeffrey)
ATG ARS House of Hermes True Lineages (m.matthews)
PLE Kinder Bunnies (g.overby)
MFG Tigris & Euphrates (m.chan)
WAR Miniature Wargaming Mag #283 (w.lebegue)
WAR Wargames Illustrated Mag #230 (w.lebegue)
WAR Wargames Illustrated Mag #230 (t.reed)

New Items:

Action Figues:
XEB AF Mon-Sieur Bome v7 Bunny Girl $19.99 *2
XEB AF Mon-Sieur Bome v11 Jungle Emmy $19.99 *2

GRA T/S Joker Surprise SM, MED, LG, XL $20.95ea
GRA T/S Joker Surprise XXL $23.95
GRA T/S Superman Symbol V SM, MED, LG, XL $17.95ea
GRA T/S Superman Symbol V XXL $20.95

APL GWS Jutland $64.99
GMT Onward Christian Soldiers The Crusades $65.00
GMT Combat Commander Europe $79.00
RGG Shogun $64.95
TPL Pirate King The Game $50.00

ATG ARS 5th ED Ancient Magic $29.95
GMG DCC #37 The Slithering Overlord $12.99 *2
PZO Map Pack Dungeon Chambers $12.95

KOP 10" Wooden Dice Tray $18.00 *2

PIP WM CG Trencher Officer & Sharpshooter $9.99 *3
PIP WM PT Flameguard Officer & Std $14.99 *3
PIP H CO Gorax Light Warbeast $14.99 *2
PIP H CO Lord of the Feast $11.99 *2
RPR New Figs

RGG Ruse & Bruise $24.95
TPL Bone Wars $19.95

SRY Scrye Mag #105 $5.99 *2
WAR Miniature Wargaming Mag #283 $8.00
WAR Wargames Illustrated Mag #230 $8.00
WIP Inquest Mag #142 $1.99
TSR Dungeon Mag #143 $7.99 *3


1/11/2007 HeroClix Constructed Event II(#648708) - w Constructed 6:00:00 PM
1/13/2007 Warlord CCG Tourney @2pm
1/13/2007 MW War College, Winter Session(#648713)w Casual Play (FREE MECHS)!
6:30:00 PM
1/16/2007 MW Storyline event II (#648712) -w Constructed 6:30:00 PM
1/18/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted Event I (#648709) - w Unrestricted 6:00:00 PM
1/23/2007 MW Unrestricted event (#648715) -w Unrestricted 6:30:00 PM
1/25/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted Event II(#648710) - w Unrestricted 6:00:00 PM
1/27/2007 WHF Tournament 2000pts @1pm
1/27/2007 Settlers of Catan Tournament @6pm Basic Set, please bring.
1/28/2007 40K Tournament 1500 pts @1pm
2/1/2007 HeroClix Invitational Qualifier(#656871) - w Draft 6:00:00 PM
2/1/2007 MTG CCG Planar Chaos Midnight Sale at 12.01am Friday Morning
2/2/2007 MTG CCG Planar Chaos Booster Drafts all weekend $10.00 3packs
2/8/2007 HeroClix Constructed Event(#656873) - w Constructed 6:00:00 PM
2/8/2007 The Dragon Table Closes at 8pm to Pack for Winter War
9th to 11th FEB The Dragon's Table is Closed Since We're at Winter War
2/6/2007 MW Storyline event I (#656875) - w/Constructed 6:30:00 PM
2/13/2007 MW Draft Event (#656877) - w/Draft 6:30:00 PM
2/15/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted event(#656874) - w Unrestricted 6:00:00 PM
2/17/2007 Mad Munckin Monarch Tournament @1pm $5 Sign Up Fee
2/20/2007 MW Storyline event II (#656876) -w Constructed 6:30:00 PM
2/22/2007 HC DC Origin New Guy Night (#656872)- w Casual Play 6:00:00 PM
2/24/2007 WHF Tournament 2000pts @1pm
2/25/2007 40K Tournament 1500 pts @1pm
2/27/2007 MW Unrestricted Event (#656878) -w Unrestricted 6:30:00 PM
4/1/2007 MTG April's Fool Tournament $5.00 fee Cash for top three places @1pm
until we're done. No Banned, No Limit, No Ante

Weekly Scheduled Items:

1st and 3rd Tuesdays, Historical Miniature Games @6pm
3rd Saturday Flames of War @6pm

Mondays @6pm D&D Miniatures, Open Gaming
Tuesdays @6:30pm MWDA Campaigns
Wednesdays @6pm LOTR CCG, Warlord CCG, CoH CCG
Thursdays @6pm Heroclix, Warmachine, Star Wars Miniatures
Fridays @6pm MTG CCG $10.00 Booster Drafts @6pm
Saturday MTG CCG $10.00 Booster Drafts @1pm
Open Boardgaming
MTG CCG $10.00 Booster Drafts @6pm

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Inventory Done, CleanUp Done


Opened on Saturday and it was a good day, extremely busy. The game room was full all day.

Trying to get the maps done for the campaigns done.

The only thing that i got this week was the 1910 Expansion for Ticket to Ride.

Long week, tiring week. Two days off werent enough.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Inventory, What a Pain

All the counting is nearly done, got a good amount of help from friends . Even handed two of them a hammer, nails, wood and a circular saw; now I no longer have a leaning bookshelf of manga!

Spent extra time in the Roleplaying books, and i think we got them all sorted out so all the product lines are shelved together.

I'm planning an collecting all the red-dot stuff and putting them into one set of shelves to make it easier to find.

Digging out and re-arranging the back room, I think it'll be good.

I still have Saturday the 6th as the re-opening date.

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