Friday, September 7, 2007

New Stuff and Events


Here I am again, and not making any promises, will try to stick around and do this every week.

The Summer League for War Machine started wednesday, and I also ordered the summer kit yesterday as well. We're running the
League From Wednesday to Tuesday, plenty of time to schedule games. I have the phone numbers and emails of the participating

players available.

Pat Green has entered the University of Kansas for his Masters program. Let's wish him success on that. Pat's been a fixture at The

Dragon's Table nearly since the open back in June 2001. It is not going to be the same without him.

So now we're looking for Tournament organizers for WizKids games, preferably a person for each game.
With Ages End, the Lord of the Rings CCG from Decipher has ended, having I think 19 expansions.

There's been a sudden surge of interest and playing in the Rage CCG, the first version, not the nasty second. They are looking for

players and one of them has me looking for a Vladimir Foil from the Wyrm expansion.

The Dragon's Table is signed up for the 2007 Worldwide D&D Game Day on Nov 3rd. at 1pm we'll start running the adventures;

looking for two more GM for this.

The CITW will be meeting on Saturday 8th Sept at The Dragon's Table, opening the doors at 8am.

Special Orders

WAR Wargames Illustrated #238 (w.lebeague)
WAR Wargames Illustrated #238 (t.reed)

New Items:

AEG L5R RPG Emerald Empire $39.95
PZO GM Map Pack Temples $12.99
PZO GM Item Cards Elements of Power Deck $9.95 *3
PZO GM CHaracter Pack Extra Magnets $7.95
CAT BT Techmanual $39.99

DOW Battle Lore Hundred Years War Pack $30.00 *2
DOW Battle Lore Goblin Marauders Pack $16.00 *2
ZMG Duel in the Dark (WWII Bombing) $49.99
FFG Tannhauser $59.95
MFG China Rails $20.00

KEN KODT Mag #130 $4.99 *5
GAW White Dwarf Mag #332 $6.00 *12
WAR Miniature Wargames Mag #292 $9.00 *2
SRY Scrye Mag #113 $5.99 *2
GMT C3i Issue #19 $20.00
KEN KODT Bundle of Trouble v21 $11.95
WAR Wargames Illustrated #238 $8.00
WIP Inquest Mag #150 $1.99 *2

OSP CAM Operation Barbarossa 1941 (3) $18.95
OSP MAA Napoleons Polish Lancers Imp Gd $15.95
PIP WarMachine Remix (SoftCover) $24.99 *2
PIP Hordes Evolution (SoftCover) $34.99 *3
PIP Hordes Evolution (Hardcover) $44.99

PIP H TB Evolution Tokens $11.99
PIP H CO Evolution Tokens $11.99
PIP H LE Evolution Tokens $11.99
PIP H SK Evolution Tokens $11.99

Card Games:
PLE Killer Bunnies Blanks Set 1 $6.00 *6
PLE Killer Bunnies Blanks Set 2 $6.00 *6
GMT Ivanhoe $25.00
GMT Formula Motor Racing $20..00
PLE Killer Bunnies Ominous Onyx Booster Box $22.00 *3
PLE Limits $10.00
SJG Munchkin Cthulhu 2 $9.95 *3

QWS Dice Elvish White/Brown (7) $19.95
QWS Dice Elvish Black/Red (7) $19.95
QWS Dice Elvish Black/Yellow (7) $19.95
QWS Dice Elvish Transparent/Black (7) $19.95
QWS Dice Elvish Transparent/Blue (7) $19.95
QWS Dice Elvish Transparent/Red (7) $19.95
QWS Dice Elvish Gray/Black (7) $19.95

UDC WoW CCG Fires of Outland $4.29ea

PIP H CO Tharn Wolf Riders Unit Box $51.99 *2
PIP H CO Tharn Wolf Riders (1) $16.99 *2
RPR New Reaper Minis
WIZ DC Heroclix Justice League $9.99ea


Sept 8 CITW meeting Doors Open at 8am Historical Gaming till 6pm!
Sept 15 W40K Tournament 1500 pts, @1pm
Sept 16 WHF Tournament 1000 pts @1pm
Sept 18: Fire and Fury. The Cornfield and Sunken Road at Antietam in 10mm. Phil get to use those 10's he painted

up five or six years ago. @6pm
WoW Tournament starts at 6pm
Oct 11 Midnight MTG Sale for Lorwyn starts at 12:01 am Friday morning
Oct 12 MTG Lorwyn Release Booster Draft @1pm and 6PM or whenever you get at least 6 people togther. $10



Monday D&D Mini's/Star Wars Minis @6pm
Tuesday Mechwarrior Clix @6pm
Wednesday Warlord CCG@ 6pm, WarMachine League @6:30pm
Thursday Heroclix @6pm
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournements @6pm
Saturday Open Board Game Night
Sanctioned Magic Tournements @6pm


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