Saturday, March 31, 2007

Event Calendar


4/1/2007 MTG April Fool's Day Tournament. @1pm 5$ entry fee, cash prizes. 60 card deck minimum, no ante cards, any thing else legal in whatever quantity.
4/1/2007 40K Tournament 1500pts @1pm
4/3/2007 MW Storyline Event I (#669850) - w Constructed @6:30pm
4/4/2007 DCI Sanction Magic Tournement , Booster Draft @6pm
4/5/2007 HeroClix Constructed Event (#669846) - w Constructed @6pm
4/10/2007 MW Storyline Event II (#669851) - w Constructed @6:30pm
4/12/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted Event I (#669847) - w Unrestricted @6pm
4/17/2007 MW Faction War (#669852) - w Constructed @6:30pm
4/19/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted Event II (#669848) - w Unrestricted @6pm
4/21/2007 500 pts Heroscape Tournament
4/21/2007 Warlord CCG Plane of Secrets Pre-Release! Entry fee determined by

4/24/2007 MW Unrestricted Event (#669853) - w Unrestricted @6:30pm
4/26/2007 HeroClix Sealed Event (#669849) - w Sealed @6pm
4/28/2007 WH40K Tournement 1500 points @1pm
4/29/2007 WHF Tournement 2000 points @1pm
5/1/2007 MW Mobilization Call: Defend your planet! (#674407) - w Constructed

5/3/2007 HeroClix Constructed Event I (#674403) - w Constructed @6pm
5/8/2007 MW Hunter's Challenge: Defend your Leaders! (#674408) - w Constructed

5/10/2007 HeroClix Constructed Event II (#674404) - w Constructed @6pm
5/15/2007 MW Final Push: Win or Die! (#674409) - w Constructed @6:30pm
5/17/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted Event (#674405) - w Unrestricted @6pm
5/22/2007 MW Unrestricted Event (#674414) - w Unrestricted @6:30pm
5/24/2007 HeroClix Unrestricted Event II (#674406) - w Unrestricted @6pm


Monday D&D Mini's @6pm
Tuesday Mechwarrior Clix @6pm
Wednesday Warlord CCG@ 6pm, WarMachine League @6:30pm
Thursday Heroclix @6pm
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournements @6pm



New Stuff this Week


A tiny of trickle of new stuff, lots of restocking tho.

Finally! Munchkin Cthulhu should be in the store on April 4th!

The price for the Flames of War UBX08 Landing craft has been set at $45 I put two on order, let me know if i need more.

The WarMachine League got off to a good start on wednesday, and some more people are coming in tonight. The next two weeks are 500pt force weeks.

New Items:

MFG Pillars of the Earth $49.00
MFG Alchemist $35.00

PIP WM ME Durgen Madhammer $11.99 *2
PIP WM ME Groundback Blaster Lt Warjack $15.99 *2

WOC Dragon Mag #354 $7.99 *4



Monday, March 26, 2007

WarMachine League Starting this Wednesday 28th Mar


Got the materials and Rules for the League in today. Planning on starting out with 500 points for forces; Teams are 1-3 players, and factions can be declared.

Come on in and lets get this thing on the road.


Arrivals and News


New stuff in this week. Still waiting on the constructable Star Wars game, supposed to be soon tho.

Just got notice that the Magic Tournament is now sanctioned; seems like 4 business days instead of the 1-2 that they said it takes.

FedEx delivered a huge stack of DCI membership cards today, I was a little worried about that,

Confrontation is special order at the store here, so its 15% off the MRSP. There's too much of it to carry and no room to put it. I do have a copy of the rules here for sale tho.

The WarMachine League kit has arrive and we're planning on starting it this wednesday the 28th of March at 6pm. It will be week 6. Weather Report: Cold Snap!

For the FOW, and Warhammer campaigns I'm now drawing the maps. Well, actually trying to figure out the cartography program......

I recieved Games Quarterly Magazines in today. This one has fishing tiles for Catan.

Special Orders:

PIP WM MER Kell Bailoch (j.dyke)
WWP Exalted Black/White Sorcery (c.thorsen)

New Items:

TYV Do You Worship Cthuhlu ? Game $19.99
GWI In a Pickle $14.99
GWI Quarx $9.99
ZMG Dragon Parade $24.99

GMG Dungeon Crawl Classics #39 $24.99 *2
GMG Dungeon Crawl Classics #40 $12.99 *2
PZO Map Packs City $12.95
WOC D&D Magic Item Compendium HC $34.95 *3
WOC D&D FR Cormyr HC $29.95 *2
WWP MTA Intruders: Encounters w/t Abyss $31.99
WWP Promethean Saturnine Nights $26.99

Books:OSP Scandinavian Baltic Crusades 1100-1500ad $15.95
OSP Spanish-American War/Philipine Insurection $15.95

SRY Scrye Mag #108 $5.99 *2
GAW White Dwarf Mag #327 $6.00 *9

GAW 40K SM DA Command Squad $35.00
GAW 40K SM DA Bike Squad $35.00
GAW 40K SM DA Grand Master $17.00 *2
GAW 40K SM DA Company Master $12.00 *2



Monday, March 19, 2007

Sanctioned Magic Events!

After more hoop-jumping than I can count or even fathom, I've finally got my Level 1 Tournament Organizer set up. So my first tournament is Friday, Mar 30, at 6pm. Unfortuantely,as far as I can see, its going to take a few months of running events before I can start getting actual prize support from WOC. It figures, like most game companies that "support" tournaments, they're constantly changing the programs to save themselves money and effort.

I'm still waiting for a reply to my email asking what's going on with this. It'll probably come back like the sealed empty 8th edition theme deck that I got: "if you didnt get it directly from us, it's not our problem."

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