Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Stuff and Restocks. Got magic supplies being restocked tomorrow, more boxes, sleeves etc, and then Friday the New Vampire Counts from GW are coming in for sale. Street date for the VS is saturday :)

Wargames Illustrated Mag #291

Ticket to Ride Exp India
Zombie Fluxx
Stoner Fluxx
Restock on MDG sleeves for board game cards
Marvel HC Incredible Hulk Boosters --Booster Draft tonight! 20$ for 2
PF Battles Heroes&Monsters Brick
PF Battles Heroes&Monsters Black Dragon

What to do what to

Sorting billions upon billions of Magic cards seems to be life so far. Could be worse; could be yugioh.

Legacy MTG tournament on Saturday the 14th, 10$ entry fee, swiss format. There is another scheduled on the 11 of Feb. Hopefully i can keep the date.

Pre-Release foe the new MTG set Dark Ascension is the 27th-29th. We'll have a midnight pre-release, 2 on saturday and one on sunday. You can check the times on the website for FB.

Going to Winter War? get yer badge and then come by here with it and get 20% of anything in the store, except for consignment items, sorry not mine to discount.

Jitters sez HEY!

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