Thursday, December 31, 2009

Winning Raffle Numbers

Winning Raffle Numbers

$35 -843530
$20 -843475
$20 -843437
$20 -843388
$15 -843411
$15 -843510
$10 -843495
$10 -843488
$5 -843454
$5 -843415
$5 -843500
$5 -843443
$5 -843499

You can use the store credit starting on the 5th.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Last Day for Clearance Sale

is Thursday. We close for inventory at 7pm. SHould be ready to re-open on the 5th of Jan.

Everything in the store is 25% off, the older warmachine and the Flames of War are 30% off.

Tshirts $10 each, no matter the size.

Having a raffle after we close, for store credit most likely. Winners will be posted here, the blog, the website and the Face Book page.

Last Day is thursday!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

3 Dec 09 Stuff


Last night i had a scare: it looked like a trojan virus got into the system that i use for POS and inventory and was denying me entry.

Oh, great.... called some people and tried a system restore...nothing was working. finally at 3am i go home. Coming into work, the

computer was fine, no sign of a virus even after several scans. ??

Friday Night Magic starts here tomorrow, Dec 4th. Format will be arranged by the players.

We are scheduled to hold the MTG Worldwake Pre-Release here. Details are being discussed and offered since i've never held a

pre-release before, and the only one I attended I went as a dealer.

The Mordheim campaign is going along fine, 2-3 games every monday night. My goblins have been lost in the deep woods around

Mordheim, so I havent been able to find the city again for the last few weeks. Still converting my second fanatic to a two-handed

weapon: oi, i hate converting figs.

This saturday has a 40K apocalypse game scheduled. 5000 pts again, but if you have less feel free to come in anyway.

We will be closed Christmas Day, and closed Jan 1st thru the 5th for inventory.

We are going to do the END OF YEAR Clearance Sale; its Dec 26th thru Dec 31st. The Dragon's Table needs to clear stuff out! Less

for me to count in inventory! Help me out!

25% off everything in the store, except consignment items, soda and candy. Anime DVD's & CD's are 5$, Wall scrolls and Tshirts

are $10. Flames of War and marked Warmachine are 30% off. Plushies are 50% off.

Plus a raffle for store credit! One ticket per person per day!

Maybe other specials as we think of it!

Special orders:

LOO Stoner fluxx (T. Minneci )
ATG Once upon a time (J. Hickle)
MFG Settlers of Catan (T. Stepina)
ZMG No Thanks (N.Thompson)
MFG Bohnanza (M.Deward)
FFG Dust (C.Dressler)
OOC Who would Win? (D.Rogers)

New Items:

ADB Captains Log #40 $19.95
KEN KODT Mag #156 $4.99 *5
OMM Miniature Wargames Mag #319 $8.00 *2
OMM Wargames Soldiers & Strategy Mag #49 $10.00 *2
PIP No Quarter Mag #27 $5.99 *5

Card Games:
CAT Poo The Card Game $12.99
CAT Ergo $14.99

CHA COC Cthulhu Invictus $26.95
MGP Paranoia Treason in Word and Deed $9.95
MGP Paranoia Termination Quota Exceeded $9.95
SJG GURPS 4th ed Vorkosigan Saga Source Book $39.95

MFG Le Boomb $4.50 *3

OSP MAA German Special Forces WWII $17.95
OSP MAA Imperial Roman Naval Forces 31BC - 500AD $17.95
OSP ELI Mounted Grenadiers Imperial Guard $18.95

WLG Rules of Engagement Rulebook WWII $44.00

RGG Assyria $59.95
RGG Ystari Treasure Box $34.95
FAM Cribbage Board "29" $10.00 *2
FDX Premium Chess $20.00 *2

PIP WM CG Lt Allister Caine 2009 $11.99
PIP WM RE Houseguard Halberdiers Unit Box $54.99 *2
PIP WM ME Dannon Blythe & Bull $17.99
PIP WM ME Ghordson Basher $25.99
RPR 2009 Christmas Sophie $9.99 *3


4 Dec 09 Friday Night Magic @6pm
5 Dec 09 40K Apocalypse @ 2pm
24 Dec 09 Store closes at 7pm
25 Dec 09 Store Closed Xmas Day
26 Dec 09 Hollow Earth RPG Demo from Noon to 5pm
26-31Dec 09 End of Year Sale: 25% off everything in store.
31 Dec 09 Store Closes at 7pm
1-5 Jan 10 Store Closed for Inventory
30 Jan 10 MTG WorldWake Pre-Release


Monday WHF, 40K, Mordheim League and Open Gaming @6pm
Tuesday MTG Draft Night/Open Gaming
Wednesday WarMachine League @6:30pm Alternate Weeks Historical Miniatures
Thursday MTG Draft Night/Open Gaming
Friday Friday Night Magic @6pm, Open Gaming
Saturday Open Board Game Night
Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Sunday Classic Battle Tech @1pm



Thursday, October 22, 2009

22 Oct 09 News, Stuff and Free Parking


Two weeks ago I took a vacation, combining the sword fighting with camping, and 5 days away from the store. I very nearly froze to death. Camping in sub-zero weather in a non-rated tent is not good planning, nor was it very much fun. Activities there were fun, but dealing with the weather was not. Happy to be back at the store. \

Tomorrow will be seven weeks with no soda.....

Lots of stuff this week.

Everyone is getting wound up over HeroClix coming back out, and they're already reporting that they are sold out at the manufacturers level.

ATTTENTION!! the large parking lot behind(north) Kuhn's Dept Store and the High Dive is FREE PARKING after 5pm Monday thru Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday!!!

Finally got the 2nd expansion for Race for the Galaxy in, and another expansion for Dominion.

The magic players have decided that they want to do Booster Drafts on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays at 6pm. I've starting scheduling these next week. Also, there is the option to add $5 into the draft fee as extra prize support for the top three places. All of the cash will leave the store with the top three; its not store credit, and I wont be keeping any of it.

Going to start running various game demos on various nights, keep an eye on the schedule. If anyone wants to run a demo let me know, I'll be happy to schedule it.

Special Orders:
RGG Race for the Galaxy Rebel vs Imperium Exp (r.klausner)
WOC MTG CCG Zendikar Booster Display (l.nelson)
ZMG Agricola (j.brown)

New Stuff:

Card Games:
FFG COC LCG Memory of Day Asylum Pack $9.95 *2
RGG Race for the Galaxy Rebel vs Imperium Exp $24.95 *4
RGG Dominion Seaside Exp $44.95

PIP WM RE Mage Hunter Strike Force Unit Box $39.95
PIP WM RE Mage Hunter Commander $9.99
PIP WM RE Nayl Character Solo $9.99
PIP WM RE Dawnguard Sentinel Officer and Standard $14.99

Role Playing:
PZO PF RPG Bestiary $39.99 *3
PZO PF Chronicles Map Folio Legacy of Fire $14.99
PZO GM Item Cards Council of Thieves $10.99
WOC D&D 4.0 Primal Power $29.95 *2
WOC SW CMG Galaxy at War Boosters $14.99 *12
WOC D&D DU5 Sinister Woods Dungwon Tiles $9.95
WOC D&D E3 Prince of Undeath $24.95

RGG Carcassonne River 1 Expansion $6.00 *2
RGG Carcassonne Wheel of Fate (stand alone or exp) $29.95 *2
RGG Gloria Picktoria $19.95
RGG Click Clack $59.95
RGG Enuk $34.95

Dice Games:
RGG Wool Rules $19.95


FFG Chaos in the Old World $59.95 *2


24 Oct 09 40K Apocalypse @2pm
27 Oct 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
28 Oct 09 Flames of War WWII Demo @6pm 10% off FOW
29 Oct 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
30 Oct 09 Arcane Legions Demo! All Day!
31 Oct 09 Halloween Costume Discount Day! 10% for costume wearing customers! (MUST BE A COSTUME!)
3 Nov 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
4 Nov 09 Historical Game Night @ 6:30pm
5 Nov 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
6 Nov 09 LOTR Mines of Moria Demo! All Day!
7 Nov 09 40K Tournament 1500 pts @2pm
7 Nov 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
10 Nov 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
12 Nov 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
14 Nov 09 WHF Tournament 2000pts @2pm
14 Nov 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
17 Nov 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
18 Nov 09 Historical Game Night @ 6:30pm
19 Nov 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
21 Nov 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
24 Nov 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
25 Nov 09 Flames of War WWII Demo @6pm 10% off FOW
26 Nov 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
28 Nov 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
5 Dec 09 40K Apocalypse @ 2pm



Monday, October 5, 2009

Free Magic Draft at The Dragon's Table

Free Magic Draft. Twelve (12) places available. Pre-reg required, either on-line or in person. At 6pm we will seat the players that have signed up and present. At 6:15pm we will seat alternates. At 6:30 we start. No one will be seated after we start.

This will be a 4 rounds sanctioned tournament. Also, backdraft format.

October 23, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

3 Oct 09 Some stuff


Zendikar Magic set came out today and thats where the budget went. As of this writing i have a half of booster box left. Thank you Wizards of the Coast for yet another surprise regarding the vintage cards in 1 out of 750 packs. For the first time ever I've been selling boxes cheaper than the internet. Which is fine, cause thats the price I'd sell them, vintage or not.

Tomorrow we're doing an escalation 40K Tournament. Starting out at 750 pts, second round 1000pts and final round 1500pts. Tournament starts at 2pm.

Not a lot, starting to spend more time painting figures than i am play online. The painting is starting to have a harder pull than the MMO's. Who'da thunk? The Goblins of the Dragon's Table Mountains are slowly gathering, a waaagh isnt too far off.

The Space Wolves are back! and go on sale Tomorrow. Flipped through the codex; one orc player is already crying.....

The Mordheim warbands are gathering as well.

Need to do another order from the warstore this week. If anyone needs anything, let me know as soo as you can.

New Stuff:

ADB Starmada Core Rulebook $16.95
MDG Le Havre sleeves/tokens set $5.75 *2

FFG GOT LCG Secrets and Spies Chapter Pack $9.95 *2
LOO Martian Fluxx $16.00

GBC Series 20 Paint Brush restock

OSP ACW Guerilla Tactics $18.95
GAW 40K SM Space Wolf Codex $25.00 *5

MWP Serenity RPG Six Shooters & Spaceships $24.99

GAW 40K SM SW Wolf Guard Terminator Box Set $50.00 *4
GAW 40K SM SW Pack Box Set $35.00 *4
GAW 40K SM SW Canis Wolfborn $41.25 *2
GAW 40K SM SW Njal Stormcaller $20.00 *4
GAW 40K SM SW Lukas the Trickster $15.00 *4


2 Oct 09 MTG Zendikar Release Events, all weekend
3 Oct 09 W40K Tournament @ 2pm escalation: 750pts, 1000pts, 1500 pts.
6 Oct 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
7 Oct 09 Historical Miniatures Game @ 7pm
13 Oct 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
20 Oct 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
21 Oct 09 Historical Miniatures Game @ 7pm
24 Oct 09 40K Apocalypse @2pm
27 Oct 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry


Monday WHF and 40K League and Open Gaming @6pm
Tuesday MTG Draft Night/Open Gaming
Wednesday WarMachine League @6:30pm Alternate Weeks Historical Miniatures
Thursday Open Gaming
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Saturday Open Board Game Night
Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Sunday Classic Battle Tech @1pm



Friday, September 25, 2009

25 Sept 09 New stuff and events


Another rainy day, i guess fall is over and done with.

The Roll Your Discount Special is still ongoing, and will continue until the end of the month. Why, because i


The Zendikar Release Event Promos have arrived, so we'll be doing the midnite sale on thursday nite at

12:01 Midnight. $10 booster drafts during the weekend for the release.

Just got an email from DCI saying that as of 1 Oct 09 Tournament staff can play in most tournaments that

they are running. I'm not sure this is a good idea, as they call for such to enforce rules without bias. Heh.

Also, NECA has received the license for HeroClix and the next set coming out is called Hammer of Thor.

Should be in November i think.

New Stuff:

ATG ARS Magi of Hermes $29.95
CAT SR 4.0 Running Wild $29.99
PSI Serenity Big Damn Heroes Handbook $39.99

KEN KODT #154 $4.99 *5
OMM Miniature Wargames Mag #317 $9.00 *2
OMM Wargames, Solders & Strategy Mag #47 $10.00 *2

OSP FOG Empires of the Dragon $24.95

PIP WM RE Warcaster Kaelyssa $9.99 *2
PIP WM RE Heavy Myrmidon Plastic Kit $29.99 *2
PIP WM RE Dawnguard Sentinel Unit $49.99 *2
PIP WM RE Gorgon $19.99 *2
PIP WM RE Griffon $20.99 *2
RPR New Figs

RGG RA $34.95
RGG Chicago Express Expansion $29.95
TLC Deadlands Board Game $44.99
ZMG Pandemic: On the Brink! $29.99


26 Sep 09 WHF Tournament 2000/1500pts bring two lists starts @2pm
29 Sep 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
1 Oct 09 MTG Midnight Release, Zendikar
2 Oct 09 MTG Zendikar Release Events, all weekend
3 Oct 09 W40K Tournament @ 2pm escalation: 750pts, 1000pts, 1500 pts.
6 Oct 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
7 Oct 09 Historical Miniatures Game @ 7pm
13 Oct 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
20 Oct 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
21 Oct 09 Historical Miniatures Game @ 7pm
24 Oct 09 40K Apocalypse @2pm
27 Oct 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry


Monday WHF and 40K League and Open Gaming @6pm
Tuesday MTG Draft Night/Open Gaming
Wednesday WarMachine League @6:30pm Alternate Weeks Historical Miniatures
Thursday Open Gaming
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Saturday Open Board Game Night
Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Sunday Classic Battle Tech @1pm



Friday, September 18, 2009

New for 18 Sep 09


Starting Monday till the end of the month The Dragon's Table is having a "Roll Yer Discount Special"! I'll a dice tray and some 10sided dice up at the check-out. Roll a d10 and that's your discount. Dumb? Probably, but a 1 will count as a 2, so that might help a little. No minimum purchase, but special does not include any consignment items or pop/candy.

Got the New D&D Dungeon Masters Guide 2 in, plus a new Star Wars book, and D&D Revenge of the Giants hardcover in as well. More books more books.

From friday last week to today, no soda. Sigh, I want a Dr Pepper really bad....

The Historical group is moving to Wednesdays, so I think they'll be in wednesday next week.

Trying out Champions Online, I think CoH was better, but Champions is different, and I have a free month so we'll see by then.

Starting a Mordheim campaign here in two weeks, almost have my goblin warband done. 500gold max, and all the warbands have to be approved first.

The expansions for pandemic didnt get shipped yesterday so I wont have them until wednesday.

SPecial Orders:

CHX DS Megamat w/1" Squares/Hexes (b.elam)

New Items:

CB7 Savage World MARS $34.95
WOC D&D 4.0 Revenge of the Giants HC $29.95
WOC SW RPG Galaxy at War $39.95 *2
WOC D&D 4.0 DMG2 $34.95 *6
WWP VTR Night Horrors Wicked Dead $32.99 *4
PSI Cthulhu 101 $8.95

CHX Gemini 4 Dice Black-Green/Gold Sets: D10(10), Poly(7), D6 16mm(12), D6 12mm(36)
CHX Gemini 4 Dice Black-Purple/Gold Sets: D10(10), Poly(7), D6 16mm(12), D6 12mm(36)
CHX Gemini 4 Dice Green-Steel/White Sets: D10(10), Poly(7), D6 16mm(12), D6 12mm(36)
CHX Gemini 4 Dice Orange-Yellow/Black Sets: D10(10), Poly(7), D6 16mm(12), D6 12mm(36)
CHX Gemini 4 Dice Red-White/Gold Sets: D10(10), Poly(7), D6 16mm(12), D6 12mm(36)
CHX Gemini 4 Dice White-Teal/Black Sets: D10(10), Poly(7), D6 16mm(12), D6 12mm(36)

GMT 1805 Seas of Glory $59.00
GMT PQ-17 $69.00

S2P Sticks & Stones Card Game $19.99

FFG Citadels $24.95 *2
WOC MTG CCG M2010 Fat Pack $34.95

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New for 9 Sep 09


Game schedule for this Saturday. CITW Meeting, Doors Open at 8am. No Charge come and Play!:

Greg Novak will run the Battle of Oriskney – 28mm AWI, using Volley & Bayonet rules Native Americans VS Militia

Henry Gabb will be running “Escape from Khartoum" skirmish game. Scattered and low on ammunition, can the last survivors navigate the outskirts of Khartoum to reach safety?

Tom Reed will run a game of US Gunboat Sailors vs Chinese Pirates.

Ken Vreeman will be running a rousing game of Space Hulk.
“Destroy the Queens Nest”

Also this saturday will be a terrain building class. 5$ and starts at 1pm, show up when you can. Materials are provided and you take home what you make.

Starting to accumulate my Victrix napoleonics and Perry brothers ACW hard plastics. Goblins are moving along pretty well, so I should be starting one or the other soon.

Been thinking about a WarMachine Khador army. Any suggestions for a 500pt list?

If anyone knows how to get J&R Miniatures to answer their email, let me know. I've sent three and still no reply.

Special Orders:

PZO PF Adventure Path Bastards of Erebus (j.brandt)
ZMG No Thanks! (m.rabb)
GW Games Workshop Bits order is in!
BFM Wargames Illustrated Mag #262 (t.reed)

New Items:

Card Games:
FFG COC LCG Twilight Horror AP $9.95 *2

Misc Stuff:
FFG Descent Journey Into Darkness Quest Compendium $29.95

FFG Ad Astra $59.95
FFG Chaos in the Old World $59.95

MGP Paranoia -Troubleshooters $39.95

PIP WM RE Retribution of Scyrah SC $34.99 *2
PIP WM RE Warcaster Dawnlord Vyros $14.99 *2
PIP WM RE Chimera $20.99 *2
PIP WM RE Dawnguard Invictor Unit Box $44.99 *2
PIP WM RE Narn Mage hunter of Ios $9.99 *2
RPR DH Young Swamp Dragon $16.99
RPR DH Gnome Sorcerer $3.99
RPR DH Dwarf Barbarian $4.99

PEG Hexagon Set, Small $14.99
PEG Platform Set, Small $14.99


PZO Pathfinder RPG Core Rule Book $49.99 *3


12 Sep 09 Terrain Building Class $5 take home what you build starts @1pm
CITW Game Day. Door Opens at 8am, games start at 9pm
15 Sep 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
19 Sep 09 40K Apocalypse @ 2pm
22 Sep 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
26 Sep 09 WHF Tournament 2000/1500pts bring two lists starts @2pm
29 Sep 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
1 Oct 09 MTG Midnight Release, Zendikar
2 Oct 09 MTG Zendikar Release Events, all weekend


Monday WHF and 40K League and Open Gaming @6pm
Tuesday MTG Draft Night/Open Gaming
Wednesday WarMachine League @6:30pm
Thursday Open Gaming Alternate Weeks Historical Miniatures
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Saturday Open Board Game Night
Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Sunday Classic Battle Tech @1pm

Friday, September 4, 2009

New for 4 Sept 09


Space Hulk is available for sale tomorrow on Saturday.

The MTG Planechase release had to be moved to Tuesday, as my distributor shipped my order not only a day late, but ground as well. With

the Holiday on monday, It should appear here on tuesday. Sigh. I swear, its the manufacturers and distributors.......

We have a terrain building day scheduled next saturday on the 12th, starts @1pm, 5$ entry and you take what you build home.

Starting the 6th month in the new location, yay!



Special Orders:

BFM Wargames Illustrated Mag #263 (t.reed)
DSP PS238 mag #40 (p.grady)
GAW Space Hulk (2009) (j.diley)
GAW Space Hulk (2009) (j.theis)
GAW Space Hulk (2009) (c.dressler)

New Items:

ADB Fed Commander Booster Pack #91 $9.95
CHA BRP In search of the Trollslayer $11.95
CHA COC Mysteries of the Worm (fiction) $15.95
FFG BSG Pegasus Exp $39.95 *3
RGG Burger Joint $24.95 *2
ZMG Endeavor $49.99
GAW Space Hulk (2009) $99.00 *7

Card Games:
FFG GOT LCG Tales from the Red Keep $9.95 *2
RGG Samurai Card Game $29.95

AEG L5R RPG 3.0 Vacant Throne $34.95
GRR MM Mecha & Manga $29.95
PZO GM Map Pack Town $12.99 *2
S2P Savage Worlds Dawn of Legends RPG $39.99
WWP WTF Night Horrors Wolfsbane $27.99

BFM Wargames Illustrated Mag #263 $8.00
DSP PS238 mag #40 $2.99ea
PIP No Quarter Mag #26 $5.99ea

Miniature Games:
WOC A&A Naval CMG Flank Speed $14.99* 4


5 Sep 09 40K Tournament @ 2pm 1500pts
8 Sep 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
12 Sep 09 Terrain Building Class $5 take home what you build
CITW Meeting: Doors open at 8am, and games start at 9pm.
15 Sep 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
19 Sep 09 40K Apocalypse @ 2pm
26 Sep 09 WHF Tournament @ 2pm, 2000pts.


Monday WHF and 40K League and Open Gaming @6pm
Tuesday MTG Draft Night/Open Gaming
Wednesday WarMachine League @6:30pm
Thursday Open Gaming Alternate Weeks Historical Miniatures
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Saturday Open Board Game Night
Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Sunday Classic Battle Tech @1pm



Friday, August 28, 2009

What's New 28 Aug 09


Been awhile, I admit, sorry about that. Anyway, been in the new place for 5 months and 2 days..... Looks like the windows are finall sealed against the torrential rains we've been getting, and they caulked the Historic Limestone sidewalk a couple of weeks aga, and it seems to be keeping out most of the rain in the basement.

My WoW account got hacked a few days ago. My characters and stuff were turned into gold and sold. So if you buy gold SHAME ON YOU!
Anyway, the account is back under my control and they are in process of restoring unto me my rightful stuff..... Also, if i could launch an ICBM on an IP location, it would be heading to a province in China.

We got demos for SPACE HULK and Lord of the Rings/Mines of Moria in the store, come on by and try them out.
I'm starting to expand the GW Lord of the Rings Miniature line in the store

New Stuff:

KON Blue Dragon CCG Shadow Wielders Starters $9.99 *5of light/5 of dark
KON Blue Dragon CCG Heroes Arise! Packs $3.49 ea
KON Blue Dragon CCG Destinies Unite! Packs $3.49 ea
GMG DCC #63 The Warbringer's Son $21.99


Carcasonne and expansions
Munchkin and expansions
Chessex D10 Sets
40K and Fantasy box sets


1 Sep 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
5 Sep 09 40K Tournament @ 2pm 1500pts
8 Sep 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
12 Sep 09 Terrain Building Class $5 take home what you build
15 Sep 09 MTG Booster Draft DCI Sanctioned @6pm $12 entry
19 Sep 09 40K Apocalypse @ 2pm


Monday WHF and 40K League and Open Gaming @6pm
Tuesday MTG Draft Night/Open Gaming
Wednesday WarMachine League @6:30pm
Thursday Open Gaming Alternate Weeks Historical Miniatures
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Saturday Open Board Game Night
Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Sunday Classic Battle Tech @1pm

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Dragon's Table 8th Anniversary Party and Sale!

1 June 2009

This coming Saturday is The Dragon's Table's 8th Anniversary Party! Yep Started the 9th year, yay!

This time we''re in a bigger space, and don't really need to shuffle tables around for different things.

Everything in the store is 25% off, and there's free soda all day. The pizza will start coming in around 1pm, and there'll be balloons too!

The game demos are:

D&D 3.5 Beginners
FOW ??
WarMachine ??
Monsterpocalypse ??

?? means i'm still waiting on a yes/no from whomever i asked....

If I'm out of stock on Saturday for something, you can order it and still get the 25% off!

There's a FaceBook page for the event as well as a paid ad for the store and a page for the store itself. Check 'em out! I'm still working on the Store's page.



Wednesday, May 13, 2009

40K Team Tournament

Doubles Tournament:
When: May 23rd 1:00 (plan on leaving no earlier than 7)
What: Warhammer 40K doubles tournament
Who: Anyone with a 1000pt W40K

If you are planning to participate please email Adam Joseph at by Monday May 18th. I will then determine teams
and email you and post them at the Dragons Table. Teams will be random,
but I will inform you before the tournament so you can plan. Each person
will bring a 1000pt force, coordinated with your partner. Each TEAM, not
person, much fulfill the requirements of the force organization chart. all
other unit requirements apply

Adam Joseph

13 May New Stuff


It's been about 7 weeks in the new space, and other than the leaking front windows, I'm starting to like it. I

have the feeling that the windows will be a problem for some time to come, because i cant see the leaks

stopping unless the windows are replaced...;..... that'll be fun.

This saturday is the CITW Game Day at the Dragon's Table. Doors open at 8am and the games start around

9am. A break for lunch and then more gaming in the afternoon. Entry and gaming is free. This is a good

chance to try different games. There's a 54mm ACW skirmish being run which is what im told is a huge

amount of fun.

The 6th of June is not only the anniversary of DDay, but the start of The Dragon's Table 9th year in business!

While that can't compare to the major event of WWII, it's pretty significant to me. Our anniversary will have

free pop and pizza from 1-4pm, 25% off everything in the store, a sidewalk sale (if not raining) and dancing in

the streets! Er, maybe not dancing anyway.

Demos are scheduled during the day: so far a 3hour Warhammer FantasyRPG session at 1pm, and a

Desperado game running for the afternoon. Desperado's cool, cause you can enter anytime.

I had a request for the Euro size card sleeves, and i have got some in the store as of today. The thicker ones

are on pre-order so we're waiting on that.

If someone lives in Urbana and mows yards, lemme know. Mine needs a trimming.

Tuesday nights have evolved to magic draft/open play night. Drafts are $12, and we use the backdraft format


In July we're going to start friday night magic, with the cards and all. Yay! Hopefully wizards doesnt change

their program soon, it's hard to keep up sometimes.

I've started playing WoW again, sigh. I'm Khelson, Orc Warrior, on Shadowsong.

First Monday in June we'll start a new Warhammer league. I need to get some more tables. We're getting a

large turnout for 40K and Fantasy, usually 8-12 players most nights. Remember, we dont charge for tables

here or memberships. We do require shoes, though. Sorry.

Special Orders:

PIP Hordes Metamorphosis (j.brownfield)
PIP H MN Totem Hunter (j.brownfield)
PIP No Quarter Mag #24 (c.morris)
FFG Cosmic Encounter (j.gorman)
RGG The Hanging Gardens (j.gorman)
WWP VTR Ancient Bloodlines (m.beyer)
WWP VTR Ancient Bloodlines (d.brownridge)
FFG Age of Conan (d.dubin)


FFG Dark Heresy Haarlock's Legacy I $24.95 *2
PSI Twilight 2013 Core Rulebook $39.99
PZO Map Pack Farmstead $12.99 *2
PZO PF Adv Path Jackals Price (L/F3) $19.99
PZO PF Chronicles Guide to Katapesh $19.99
PZO GM Flip Mat Waterfront Tavern $12.99 *2
WWP VTR Ancient Bloodlines $34.99

MDG Euro Size Card Sleeves (100) $2.25 *5

PIP No Quarter Mag #24 $5.99 *5


RGG Dominion
FFG Cosmic Encounter


16 May 09 CITW Meeting Doors open at 8am
40K Apocalypse Game @2pm
20 May 09 Historical Game Night-- Game TBA
23 May 09 40K Team Tournament 2pm - 7pm
6 Jun 09 8th Anniversary Party for the Dragon's Table!!!!!!
13 Jun 09 40K Apocalypse Game @ 2pm
20 Jun 09 Free RPG Game Day


Monday WHF and 40K League and Open Gaming @6pm
Tuesday MTG Draft Night/Open Gaming
Wednesday WarMachine League @6:30pm
Thursday Open Gaming
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Saturday Open Board Game Night
Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Sunday Open Gaming

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ATT Strikes again

ATT has once again disconnected my 359-0503 Dragon's Table phone number, but i can still call out and I still have internet? How does this moron company make money?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

AT&T is stoopid

In case anyone noticed Saturday and Sunday, anyone who tried to call The Dragon's Table got a disconnected message. AT&T strikes again. Last Thursday night my internet was cut by the phone company, when i called in about it on Friday I was told there had been a work order to cut it. Asked why, no one knew why there was a work order in the first place. Ooops our mistake, but gosh, itll take three business days to turn the internet back on. After many phone calls, I got them to say it would be back on Monday.

When i got back from sword fighting, there was a message waiting saying my new phone number was active. They turned off the number i've had for over 8 years and gave me a new one, and since the business office is closed on the weekends I had no phone. Only me, God and AT&T knew the new number. Thanks so much.

I was in the store at 6am monday morning to be sure i was calling the business office at 7am when it opened. 90 minutes later i had the original store number turned on but was still getting the run around about the internet. Finally I got a call saying that it would be on by 5pm. It wasnt, and the business office closes at 5pm.

Today, tuesday, I started the monkeygoround at 10am, and was told that the service was on. By 3pm we had established that no, it wasnt on, and I'm switching to Sprint if I dont have internet by the time i go home tonight. Finally, i got transferred to the secret Tier2 level of Tech support.
It took over an hour, but he finally got it up and running by 4:30.

Moral of the story? Utilities are impossible to bring to account; so it takes patience patience patience and a refusal to accept "not my department, we have procedures, and let me transfer you to someone who can help....."


Thursday, March 26, 2009

W40K Apocalypse Saturday

5000pts, scratchbuilt vehicles subject to vote. Start at 1pm.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We are moving

We are moving the store as of today, 24 mar, at noon. If anyone wants to help, we're starting again at noon on wednesday.

We've gotten the basement storage emptied and the storage room in the store emptied; tomorrow we start in the back room.

The idea is that we should be ready to go on thursday. My phone and DSL is supposed to get switched to there then.

Finally, we're moving!


Friday, February 27, 2009


The city made them rewire the basement and replace the light fixtures that had bulbs hanging down. that took the rest of yesterday which made the whole inspection delayed.
Supposedly they're staining/sealing the back floor tomorrow morning. This was decided as the best answer to much heated debate. Not the best decision, but the only one they'll pay for.
So monday at 2pm when the inspection is. We'll see after that.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This is after the painters pretty much finished, but before the lights and the carpet. I'll do another after the building inspection tomorrow.

And i have no idea why i cant ge the video to show up as before. Clicking on the link works tho.

After P

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Moving Day is this Friday!

Moving this Friday if the building passes inspection this thursday.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Kinda last week and this

Not a lot of stuff this week, mostly special orders. I'm reluctant to do a lot of restocks until i get to the new space; less to carry.
Painting is done, they're doing touchup and finishing work there now. The electrician is coming in Tuesday to run the conduits on the ceiling for the lights. Then i can get them up. The carpet is gonna be installed next wednesday. Bathroom and the back floor is left after that. I have no idea what the owner wants to do with the back floor, i may end up having to go back to my original plan of sanding then sealing. Oh yeah, and never never rent from an alien again.
We will probably have a re-opening party, just dont know when yet.
We have a 28mm WWII demo game scheduled for the 20th at 4pm. He's using the "NUTS" rulesystem and has enough figs for up to 4 people at a time.
I've just opened an account with the warstore. So anyone that wants victrix, wargames factory or plastic or even the perry brothers, i can get it. yay!
Had a customer likened our current temp spot as a dungeon, but i told him that without the obligatory small barred window high up, not really.
Several people looking for a WOW miniature tournament. Scheduled it for 1st march. See how that goes.
I have some people looking for D&D 3.5 core rule books. Anyone not using them, trade em in!
I have magazines for Tom and Phil, and actually know where they are..... at least at this moment.
20 Feb 09 WWII Skirmish Demo 28mm "NUTS" Ruleset for 4 people at a time starts at 4pm28 Feb 09 WOW CMG Tourney @1pm
Monday WarhammerLeague @6pmTuesday Mechwarrior Clix @6pmWednesday WarMachine League @6:30pmThursday Heroclix @6pm, D&D Mini's/Star Wars Minis.Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pmSaturday Open Board Game Night Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pmSunday Open Gaming

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday Morning 1 Feb 09

They're starting to talk like we can start moving in during the next weekend. Of course, I'm not really fluent in builder speak.


Friday, January 30, 2009

30 Jan 09 New Store

It's really looking different with the drywall up. This is from around noon, and when i went in about 3pm they were nearly finished.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

This Week 29 Jan 09


Work proceeds at the new location. The furnance on the ceiling is working and its pretty quiet, so we'll see

how long that lasts.... They are installing the insulation for the walls now, waiting for a city inspector to show up

and make sure they're doing it right. Heh.

The temporary space still has no windows, but it's no longer as cold as it was. So that's to the good. I do have

4 tables up, it's a little cramped, but shouldn't be for much longer.

Next week the new magic set comes out. The Street Date is 6 Feb, Friday, so we'll be able to have the

midnite sale Thursday nite as usual. I didnt schedule anything with Wizards because I'm not sure where we'll

be. So for now, assume that we'll be in our temp location still.

Special Orders:
MLB Risk Reinvention (n.kennedy)
WOC A&A Naval CMG Task Force B (c.brietenfeldt)

New Items:

FFG COC LCD The Spawn of the Sleeper $9.95 *2
K2D Cherry Wood Dice Tower Kit $18.00
K2D Murdero Card Game $16.00
K2D Swashbuckled $39.95
MRP COC New Tales of the Miskatonic Valley $29.95



Friday, January 23, 2009

New Store 23 Jan 09

Well, its been a month since i signed the lease, and we're still not in the new store. sigh. They have been working very quickly since the building permit was issued. so that's good.

Today the plumber hooked up the gas to the furnace and has started in on the restroom. Standing inside what was supposed to be the furnace room, i think i can stack the shelves a bit higher and not have to have the extra product out in the gaming area.

Plus we'll have a mop basin in the no-longer-furnace-room-but-now-a-storage-room. yay!.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

21 Jan 09

I'm still not all that keen on the furnace being over our heads.....


Last Saturday at the New Store

With the building permit issued. everything started moving.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Work Proceeds, and In the Temp Space now

Ok, we are in the temp location, all squeezed in. Starting to feel a bit anxious, since im not used to working in a windowless place. Don't like it.

Ceiling has the drywall up and they were building the frame around the side and back walls. Frame for the bathroom is up, as is the frame for the heating/AC......except that they are hanging the furnace and the AC from the frikkin ceiling!

I'm kinda curious about the thinking that was involved in that. The installers werent any help. They just said thats the way the plans called for. So it looks like i have a storage room after all.

Tomorrow should be fun. I'm asking for a bid on my dividing wall and also seeing what color the ceiling and walls will be painted. I'd like offwhite for the ceiling and maybe light green or brown for the walls?

I should be putting new video tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Temp Location

Starting Thursday nite and continuing thru sunday, we will be packing up the Dragon's Table and moving down the hall to Suite #103.

We'll remain open during the move, so please feel free to come and play, buy or even help pack/move.

We'll be sharing the space with GMart Comics, so it'll be pretty squeezed in, with a good chunk of product being left in packing boxes. I'm expecting we'll be in the temp location for 3-4 weeks.

I'm hoping to have room for 5-6 tables for gaming while there. It's going to be cramped, but the new space will seem like a wide limitless horizon after this.....

After explaining to the building code people that batwing saloon doors dont have latches, and hence no need for a latch safety release, we got the building permit about 2pm today.

Tomorrow they start putting the drywalll on the ceiling, and the other construction types start their work as well.


Friday, January 9, 2009

9 Jan 09 We still Open

We're still open, sadly, at the original address 44 E Main. I had fully hoped when i signed the lease that this wouldve been opening day in the new location, but alas, not with the city so strictly concerned about the safety of their citizens. I'm amazed that anything actually gets built in this town.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

7 Jan 09 What's Happenin'


Piece of advice to would be renters of properties: don't sign nuthin unless it's ready to move into AT THAT MOMENT!

With the renovation being done at the new store site, the city is feeling its responsibilities very keenly. Everytime the paperwork is brought

into the permit office (dunno what to call it) something else needs to be done. It would be fine if they handed you a list and said "do this and

if its not on the list we dont care", but when they do it one item at a time, you have to call shennanigans. I've come to the realization that my

present and future landlord IS NOT the city's fave landowner.

So its possible we will be moving into temporary quarters in a couple of weeks, or into the nearly finished new space. Dunno. Sigh, at least

in the temp location, it'll be rent free.....and costing the landlord any rent until this is dealt with. I can live with that, and the temp spaces are

smaller, so that'll be fun.

Instead of the beat up wood floor, the landlord wants to preserve it and so is thinking about putting another floor over it and covering that. I

said carpet would not be good, tile is better. We'll see how that goes. Also, instead of brick and plaster, it looks like the 3 walls are going to

be framed, insulated and drywalled. Which will be much better for insulation and overall look of the place. Since that's that what landlord

wants, he's paying for it. Yep, got my vote.

Building is completely cleaned out, took nearly 4 of the big 20ft dumpsters to do that. I really underestimated the time it would take.

Learning, sigh, never stops.

Lots of volunteers to move to the new site. Thanks all! As soon as I know, we'll start setting it up.

Xmas sales were great, end of the year sales were great, inventory was not fun as usuall, so i guess if its the same that would make it

great? After 7 years we're getting the inventory down pretty smooth. Next year i may not dread it so much.

Got a Warhammer 40k Tournament this saturday, at 1pm. 1500pts.

Started a new 40K league this tuesday. The last one we handed out $85 in prizes.

Hopefully the new store will be ready for the next magic pre-release. We're working on that now.

Special Orders:
PIP WM KH Mechanik Assistants (2) (w.penning)
PIP WM KH Iron Fang Pikeman Unit Box (6) (w.penning)
PIP WM Man-O-War Unit Box Set (3) (w.penning)
RGG Elfenland (n.dettman)

New Stuff:

Historical Board Games:
CPS Spanish Eagles $65.00
GMT Unhappy King Charles! $65.00

Card Games:
FFG COC LCG core Set $39.95 *2

Board Games:
FFG Moto GrandCross $69.95

FFG Wings of War Airplane Series III $12.95ea(6)
FFG Wings of War Airplane Series III $15.95ea(6)
PIP WM CG Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Kaptin $7.99 *2
PIP WM KD Kovnik Markov Cavalry Character $27.99 *2
GAW 40K Ork Nobz $25.00 *3
GAW 40K Ork Battlewagon $50.00
GAW 40K Ork Kaptin Badrukk $20.00 *4
GAW 40K Ork Boss Snikrot $15.00 *4

GRR MM Freedom's Most Wanted $26.95
PAG COC Mysteries of Mesoamerica $29.95

OMM Miniature Wargames Mag #309 $9.00 *2
OMM Wargames Illustrated Mag #255 $10.00 *3
OMM Wargames Soldiers & Strategy #36 $10.00 *2


10 Jan 09 40k Tournament @1pm, 1500pts.
11 Jan 09 Monsterpocalypse Tournament @1pm


Monday WarhammerLeague @6pm
Tuesday Mechwarrior Clix @6pm
Wednesday WarMachine League @6:30pm
Thursday Heroclix @6pm, D&D Mini's/Star Wars Minis.
Friday Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Saturday Open Board Game Night
Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Sunday Open Gaming
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