Wednesday, January 6, 2010

News and Stuff 6 Jan 10


Finding out that 5' by 7' single layer sheets of glass do not retain heat very well. I was

expecting it, but reality bites. The landlord decided that a 5ton heating system was too

expensive so he had a 4ton put in. He was told it wasnt enough, but I guess he decided that

he wasnt actually going to be the one paying the heating bill. Sigh. Going to be putting

plastic on the windows this week.

Getting set for the MTG WorldWake Pre-Release. That should be fun.

Goblins are getting closer to being down, and I've primed my Lord of the Rings Wood Elves.

I love one piece figures!

Warmachine MK II is out, so now i can start deciding on my Khador army. Definately going

to have the Jack with the grenades and the shieldy arms in it.

Inventory is done and we added some more shelves to hold terrain.

Remember to check the Facebook page, blog and website for the winning raffle tickets!

Next week the new Codex for 40k Tyrannids comes out! Order yours here at 30% off

prepaid! Also available to order is the rest of the new miniatures for the 'nids.

MTG From the Vault: Relics is being released in August. As always, with these EXTREMELY

LIMITED editions, let me know as soon as you can if you want one.

Special orders:

ATG Ars Magica 5th ed core rules (d.smeltzer)
MFG Settlers of Catan (r. jetty)
PIP Warmachine Prime MKII (SC) (c.coppess)
PIP Warmachine Prime MKII (SC) (a.trumpinski)
PIP WM CG Commander Adept Nemo (2010) (a.trumpinski)

New Items:

Card Games:
FFG GOT LCG Princes of the Sun Stone Card $19.95 *2

FFG Tribune Expansion $34.95
FFG Planet Steam $124.95
FFG Bushido $49.95

OMM Miniature Wargames Mag #321 $8.00 *2
OMM Wargames Soldiers & Strategy Mag #50 $10.00 *2

PIP Warmachine Prime MKII (SC) $29.95
PIP WM KH Kommandant Irusk (2009) $11.99
PIP WM KH Butcher of Khardov (2010) $16.99
PIP WM CX Pirate Queen Skarre (2009) $11.99
PIP WM RE Houseguard Halberdier Off/Std $15.99
PIP WM RE Houseguard Rifleman Off/Std $14.99

PZO GM Face Cards Friends & Foes $10.99 *2
PZO GM Item Cards Weapons Locker $10.99 *2
PZO GM Map Pack Jungle $12.99 *2
PZO PF Chronicles City Map Folio $15.99
PZO GM Flip Mat Arena $12.99 *2

WOC Heroscape D&D Master Set $29.99


9 Jan 10 Flames of War Day Mass battle, 1pm to 6pm+
16 Jan 10 40K Tournament, De-Escalation Format @2pm
17 Jan 10 WHF Tournament, 2000pts @ 1pm
30 Jan 10 MTG WorldWake Pre-Release
6 Feb 10 Warhammer Apocalypse @ 2pm
20 Feb 10 40K Tournament, 1500 pts @ 2pm
21 Feb 10 WHF Tournament, 2000pts @ 2pm


Monday WHF, 40K, Mordheim League and Open Gaming @6pm
Tuesday MTG Draft Night/Open Gaming
Wednesday WarMachine League @6:30pm Alternate Weeks Historical Miniatures
Thursday MTG Draft Night/Open Gaming
Friday Friday Night Magic @6pm, Open Gaming
Saturday Open Board Game Night
Sanctioned Magic Tournaments @6pm
Sunday Classic Battle Tech @1pm



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